Looking for Garfield’s Typing Pal?
Unfortunately, it is no longer being marketed since its technology is incompatible with the latest versions of Windows*. But there’s no need to growl, and you can put those claws away! The new editions of Typing Pal—Personal and Home—are here to welcome you into a world that’s just as much fun… and always up to date!
See how it has evolved!
Already used by thousands of schools around the world, Typing Pal has been carefully adapted to the needs of families and individuals who want to develop or perfect an accurate typing method online. In particular, the Home Edition allows parents to supervise their children’s learning.
Want to try it? It’s free!
The trial version offers some exercises and a game, for a single user.
* On December 31, 2020, Microsoft deployed an automatic update for Windows 8 and Windows 10 that makes it impossible to use Garfield’s Typing Pal on these platforms.