Druide informatique announces the rollout of a significantly improved version of Typing Pal Online, its web-based typing tutorial application. As well as added compatibility with iPads and Chromebook laptops, the new version brings an array of interface and functionality improvements, including an innovative replay mode.
Compatibility with the iPad has long been on the wishlist of many Typing Pal users. To deliver this, Druide has recoded every aspect of the program in HTML5, including its animations and popular games. Typing Pal Online now also works on Chromebook laptops. New smart resizing logic improves user experience on these small computers, while the application’s dynamic keyboard viewer works seamlessly with the Chromebook’s unique layout. No download is required in either case — the user simply logs in and begins typing.
Particular emphasis has been placed on the ability to perfect one’s typing skills. Exercises now display live speed and accuracy statistics, helping students stay motivated. The end of each exercise sports a new link encouraging them to “beat their record” by doing it again. Finally, an innovative replay button allows learners or teachers to rewatch a performance and identify specific areas for improvement, just like a sports coach.
Typing Pal Online’s popular educational games have been revamped entirely. Players can enjoy updated graphics and the option to focus on specific areas of the keyboard. Meanwhile, teachers have the power to limit access to the games as they see fit. To add to the fun of learning, the user can now choose an avatar from no less than 30 colorful characters.
As of today, institutions and individuals with Typing Pal Online subscriptions automatically enjoy these freshly rolled out features and many others. Anyone else wishing to improve their mastery of the keyboard can subscribe to Typing Pal Online at www.typingpal.com.
As well as the renowned Typing Pal, Druide informatique produces and markets Antidote, the largest suite of French reference software tools. Seamlessly integrated with major word processors and email programs, Antidote includes an advanced grammar checker with smart filters, a rich collection of dictionaries, and a set of interactive language guides. Druide is also the creator of WebElixir, a website quality assurance service.