
Use Typing Pal to grade your students’ performance, whatever the grading system you employ.

Including Grades in Statistical Reports

  1. In the Group summary, click the Edit button in the Grading section.
  2. Check the box Include grading in statistical reports.
  3. Select your grading system (letters or numbers) or customize it by adding or editing the levels.
  4. Then click Save.

By default, there are five levels to the grading scale. However, more can be added by filling in the empty grade and wpm or cpm boxes.

Each student’s average and that of the group will be now displayed in your statistical reports.

Note — Students will not see their grade in their Activity log. This allows you to adjust your grading system and choose the right time to inform them of their grades.

Default Values

Words per minute (wpm)

Letter Percentage Ages 6–11 Ages 12–16 Ages 17+
A 90% 15 wpm 30 wpm 45 wpm
B 80% 12 wpm 24 wpm 36 wpm
C 70% 9 wpm 18 wpm 27 wpm
D 60% 6 wpm 12 wpm 18 wpm
Fail Fail 0–5 wpm 0–11 wpm 0–17 wpm

Characters per minute (cpm)

Letter Percentage Ages 6–11 Ages 12–16 Ages 17+
A 90% 75 cpm 150 cpm 225 cpm
B 80% 60 cpm 120 cpm 180 cpm
C 70% 45 cpm 90 wpm 135 cpm
D 60% 30 cpm 60 wpm 90 cpm
Fail Fail 0–30 cpm 0–55 cpm 0–85 cpm